01. Intro and Overview


Introduction and Overview

FSND C4 L2 A01 Introduction And Overview


Lesson Overview

In the previous lesson, you learned about Docker containers as a tool to bundle your application with its environment and dependencies. The next step in building a scalable web application is to deploy your container to the cloud. But it isn’t sufficient to just deploy the single container - you will also need to specify how the scaling of that container will take place.

To manage scaling - spinning up new container instances and shutting them down as they are no longer needed - you will use a container orchestration service . There are several options for container orchestration, and in this course we will focus on Kubernetes .

To round out the production pipeline of your application, you will also learn about some tools to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your code when you make changes. Automatically building and testing your code when changes are made is called continuous integration . Continuous integration combined with automated deployment is referred to as continous delivery .

In this lesson, you will:

  • Learn how to deploy a containerized app using AWS’ Kubernetes service: EKS .
  • Create a continuous delivery pipeline with AWS CodePipeline .
  • Set up continuous integration with AWS CodeBuild .